Top Energy Crystal for New Year's Resolutions

women's hands manipulating crystals and doing rituals with paula santo

With 2024 just around the corner, it's that time again – everyone's in resolution mode. We've all been there though, hyped up to make New Year's goals, only to lose motivation after a few weeks.

But not you and not this time. Why?

Because this year you've got a secret weapon: crystal energy.

With different benefits and influences, gemstones possess the ability to offer that extra boost you need, regardless of the goal you're chasing. From getting a new job to finding the love of your life or just getting to explore new places, having the right crystal by your side makes everything seem possible.

And this guide right here has all the details you need to get started!


8 Energy Crystal For 2024 New Year's Resolutions




Amethyst: Become More Mindful

raw amthyst 

Looking to keep calm and stay present in the new year? Enter Amethyst, your ticket to tranquility. As life gets more hectic and your mind gets louder, this lovely stone acts as your anchor, guiding you back to inner peace.

How to use it: Bring it into your meditation or mindfulness practices. Consider placing it in spots where stress tends to linger, such as your office or car.


Find out more about the amethyst crystal


Special Tip

We've all been there — life gets hectic, and our mindfulness routine takes a back seat. But the good news is, you don't have to sacrifice the uplifting energy of crystals. That's where the Crystal Elixir Water Bottle steps in, offering a convenient way for you to enjoy the benefits of crystals effortlessly, even when you're on the move.



Mindful Souls


Fluorite: Learn New Skills

fluorite raw crystal

Whether you're picking up a new language, starting yoga, or getting back into studies this year, that fresh new-year energy is perfect for learning new skills. To make the most of it, keep Fluorite nearby. Known as the "Genius Stone," it's believed to help you concentrate and think clearly.

How to use it: Hold a piece of Fluorite in your hand during learning sessions, classes, or practice sessions to connect with its energy.


Did you know?

In ancient Rome, Fluorite was carved into vessels such as cups and goblets, believed to bring knowledge. The Romans saw the stone not only as an artistic medium but also as a source of intellectual and spiritual enlightenment.



Mindful Souls



Labradorite: Break Bad Habits

raw labradorite crystal

This new year, we’re committed to leaving behind what no longer serves us – and we want you to join us on this mission. This of course includes those pesky bad habits that always seem to stick around. However, in 2024, we've discovered a secret weapon to finally overcome these toxic cycles: Labradorite, also known as the "Transformation Stone."

How to use it: Put Labradorite in spaces where you often engage in the habit you're trying to break. This may serve as a visual reminder of your intention to change.


Find out more about the labradorite crystal.



Did you know?

Labradorite is named after its discovery location on the Isle of Paul, near Nain in cold Canada.



Mindful Souls



Lapis Lazuli: Tape Into Your Mystical Gifts

raw lapis lazuli crystal

If you're looking to enhance your intuition or tap into your psychic abilities in the New Year, Lapis Lazuli is the crystal for the job. This crystal is linked to both the Third Eye Chakra and the Divine, making it believed to support a stronger connection to spiritual realms, guides, or higher powers.

How to use it: Keep Lapis Lazuli near your bedside or under your pillow if you are interested in exploring mystical experiences through dreams. Maintain a dream journal to record any insights or messages.



Special Tip

Did you know that most people give up on their resolutions within three months of the new year? Don't be part of that statistic.

Stay on track with the Mindful Box, a monthly subscription that delivers everything you need to manifest your dream life all year round!

Packed with natural crystals, carefully selected tools, tested rituals, and access to a private supportive community - it's your recipe for resolutions that stick. 



Mindful Souls




Moonstone: Discover, Travel & Adventure

raw moonstone crystal

If traveling and adventure top your resolutions list, Moonstone is an absolute essential. This crystal not only vows to awaken your intuition, a valuable asset on new journeys but also provides protective and calming energy to keep your emotions balanced in the face of the anxieties that come with new experiences.

How to use it: Carry it around your neck as a talisman during your adventures, trusting in its ability to bring luck, protection, and a comforting sense of serenity.


Find out more about the moonstone crystal.



Did you know?

The Romans believed that the pearly sheen of Moonstone was a shard of solid moonlight.



Mindful Souls




Rose Quartz: Find Love & Connection

raw rose quartz crystal

Is it just us, or is love really in the air? Well, it certainly could be, especially with a little helping hand from Rose Quartz. With its gentle and comforting energy, this crystal is all about fostering connections and tenderness. And we're not just talking about romantic relationships; Rose Quartz is your go-to for opening your heart to receive and give all kinds of love – from friendship and motherhood to, of course, self-love!

How to use it: Place it on your vanity table to help you re-fall in love with yourself. Consider wearing a Rose Quartz necklace for an elegant touch that attracts more meaningful connections into your life.

Find out more about the Rose Quartz crystal.



Did you know?

Rose Quartz jewelry was known to be crafted by the Assyrians around 800-600 BC, almost 3,000 years ago!



Mindful Souls



Tiger's Eye: The Stone of Willpower

tiger's eye crystal

Ever heard the saying that confidence is the key to success? Well, whoever said that nailed it, and what better moment than the new year to let your inner power shine? Imagine facing each day with unwavering assurance, confident that you can conquer anything you set your mind to — all while looking fabulous. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, dream no more! You just need a Tiger’s Eye necklace by your side.

How to use it: Take this powerful crystal everywhere with you as a stylish piece of jewelry. The next time self-doubt tries to sneak in, grab hold of it and remind yourself of your incredible power.



Did you know?

Pharaohs and other high-ranking aristocrats of the Egyptian court wore jewelry made from Tiger's Eye, believing it would give them vitality and strength.  



Mindful Souls



Citrine: Manifest Abundance & Prosperity

raw citrine crystal

Ever notice how, when people set their sights on wealth-related goals, the first thing that comes to mind is the number in their bank account? While financial freedom is important, true abundance has a way of showing up in various shapes and sizes – so, let's keep an open mind. Luckily for you, Citrine, also known as the "Merchant's Stone," is just what you need to manifest all forms of prosperity in the upcoming year.

How to use it: Create an abundance bowl using Citrine clusters, bay leaves, cinnamon, some coins or paper money and other wealth-attracting crystals


Find out more about the citrine crystal.


Special Tip

Did you know that most Citrine crystals on the market are actually fake? To give your resolutions a real boost of stone power, make sure you're getting the real deal!

At Mindful Souls, our crystals are not just 100% natural, they're also sourced responsibly and certified by a trusted lab. Explore ou natural raw citrine crystals.





Mindful Souls



Sun Stone: Upgrade Your Career

raw sun stone

Eager to snag that long-awaited promotion? Looking for a well-deserved raise? Or perhaps your New Year's resolution involves landing a new job. Whatever your career aspirations for 2024, Sunstone is your go-to ally. Beyond its lucky vibes, this crystal elevates your creativity, leadership skills, and positivity.

How to use it: Set it on your desk or workspace. Every glance at it serves as a reminder that you are deserving of all the success and opportunities in your path.


Did you know?

Cleopatra and the ancient Egyptians believed Emeralds could be used to treat eye diseases!



Mindful Souls




Red Jasper: Fuel Motivation & Inspiration

raw red jasper crystal

If there's a key ingredient for achieving your goals, it's motivation, no matter what they may be. With the uplifting energy of Red Jasper at your side, you'll stay on course with your resolutions long after the New Year's excitement has faded. This crystal not only amps up your energy levels but also sharpens your focus.

How to use it: Keep it within reach in the space or during the time of day associated with the resolution you've committed to for 2024.


Did you know?

Cleopatra and the ancient Egyptians believed Emeralds could be used to treat eye diseases!



Mindful Souls



Carnelian: Boost Creativity & Inspiration

raw carnelian crystal

Thinking about awakening your inner artist in 2024? Elevate your creativity and draw in inspiration with Carnelian – a stone that promises to push you out of your comfort zone. And here's the beauty: unleashing your creative side doesn't mean you have to turn into the next Picasso. We could all use a bit of creativity in various aspects of life, even if it's just jazzing up dinner!

How to use it: Hold onto Carnelian while repeating positive affirmations centered around creativity, inspiration, and self-expression.


Did you know?

Cleopatra and the ancient Egyptians believed Emeralds could be used to treat eye diseases!



Mindful Souls


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