May Birthstone & Taurus Stones: Meaning & Properties


Quick Info

  • Characteristics: As a Taurus, you are committed, loyal, and grounded, with a penchant for luxury and stability, but can also be stubborn.

    Top Birthstones: Your primary birthstone is Emerald, symbolizing renewal and love. Other beneficial stones include Aventurine for opportunity, Carnelian for motivation, and Rose Quartz for unconditional love.

    Using Crystals: Wear these stones as jewelry, such as necklaces or bracelets, to harness their energies. This practice can enhance your physical and emotional well-being, helping you stay grounded and connected to your true self.


Committed, loyal, stubborn, and with a weak spot for the finer things in life. This is how you can describe Taureans in a nutshell. But what gemstone best complements this love for beauty and stability?

This article will explore everything you need to know about the May birthstone and Taurus stones, including their unique meaning, symbolism, and properties. And, of course, we will explain why they are a perfect match for this mighty earth sign.


What Are Taurus Birthstones?

Before we dive in, let's clear up a common misconception: thinking birthstones and zodiac stones are the same thing. Even though many people and a lot of info online get them mixed up, they're actually two separate systems.

Technically, ‘Taurus birthstones’ don’t exist.

Birthstones are linked to each month, but zodiac signs like Taurus don't follow that same calendar. For example, Taurus covers part of April and part of May, so it's not right to connect it only with April's or May's birthstone.

Still confused? Don't worry, we'll explain more below!


Mindful Souls


May Birthstone vs. Taurus Stones

Assigned by month using the Gregorian calendar.
Typically, one to three stones per month.

Zodiac Stones:
Assigned by astrological sign using the astrological calendar.
Multiple stones per zodiac sign based on associated traits.

Zodiac stones have origins in astrology. Ancient astrologers believed that gemstones held certain energies that resonated with individuals born under specific zodiac signs. Thus, they assigned particular stones to each sign based on the properties believed to influence those born within its period.

Now, imagine a connection between the movement of the planets and the energy of a precious gem. That's the essence of a birthstone! Each month has its own designated gemstone, believed to hold unique energies that resonate with it. Think of May, for example, the month of renewal, joy, and lush nature. The crystal that would perfectly match this energy can't be a calming crystal like Aquamarine, but a loving, earthy one.

The concept of birthstones is rooted in ancient religious traditions, dating back to biblical times. Originally, they were linked to the 12 gemstones that adorned the breastplate of Aaron, as described in the Bible. Over the centuries, these stones became associated with specific months of the Gregorian calendar.

For example, everyone born in June (Geminis and Cancers) has the same crystal as their birthstone. But Gemini's zodiac crystals would differ from Cancers because they are tailored to the distinct traits associated with each astrological sign.


The Peculiar Case of Taurus

taurus zodiac

Many zodiac signs have two associated stones: one for each month that the sign spans over. For instance, individuals born under Gemini (May 21 - June 20) may have Emerald, the May birthstone, or Pearl, the June birthstone.

However, Taurus is unique in this regard. Although the Taurus season begins in late April and ends in late May, there is only one primary stone for Taureans—the gorgeous Emerald.

In our case, Emerald is also considered one of Taurus’s zodiac stones since it aligns perfectly with this sign's unique personality.

Taurus: Personality, Traits & Unique Characteristics

Dates: April 20 - May 20
Element: Earth
Symbol: Bull
Planetary Ruler: Venus ♀️
Strengths: Reliable, patient, practical, determined, loyal & loving
Weaknesses: Stubborn, possessive, can be indulgent & resistant to change
Likes: High-quality food and possessions, nature, security, routine, comfort, romance
Dislikes: Change, instability, insecurity, cheapness, rudeness

Taurus, the zodiac's second sign, values stability, patience, and comfort. They love little luxuries like a luxurious breakfast in bed but are also grounded with a strong work ethic.

As an earth sign, Taureans are practical and connected to the physical world, enjoying outdoor activities like hiking and fishing. Ruled by Venus, they appreciate beauty, harmony, and creating aesthetically pleasing spaces.

Their love for luxury can sometimes lead to hedonism, so a bit more rest and restraint is beneficial. Taureans are known for their loyalty, making them dependable friends and partners. They are steady in love, often pairing well with Virgo, Capricorn, and Cancer.

Patience is key when dealing with a Taurus, but it's an investment in a future filled with delicious food, cozy nights, and unwavering support.


Mindful Souls


Emerald, the Official May Gemstone

Type: A variety of Beryl
Found in: Colombia, Brazil & Zambia
Colors: Blue green to green
Element: Earth
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Properties: Renewal, growth, vitality & love
Chakra: Heart Chakra

Emeralds belong to the Beryl family and are known for their inclusions, which gemologists see as marks of authenticity. Unlike diamonds, emeralds form in hydrothermal veins, making them one of the rarest gemstones, leaving emerald with very unique properties and meaning.

Why Emerald & Taurus Are a Perfect Match

For those connected to the sign of Taurus, the Emerald isn't just a beautiful crystal—it's a gem that speaks directly to their heart.

Emerald stones are linked to Venus, the planet of beauty, happiness, luxury, romance and love. Sound familiar? Taureans appreciate all things beautiful and delightful, making this connection a delightful cosmic wink.

Those vibrant gemstones sparkle with elegance, hinting at all the good things a Taurus might achieve. They're a reminder that hard work deserves a little reward, like that cozy new sweater or a fancy dinner (Taureans do love good food).

But the connection goes beyond material things. Emeralds also connect them to nature's beauty, a source of deep appreciation for this earth sign.

Emeralds are known as good luck charms, attracting positive energy and fostering spiritual growth.This resonates with the Taurean desire for a sense of well-being and stability. For those stubborn moments (we all have them!), Emerald's calming energy can be a welcome influence, encouraging them to find peace and "let go" with greater ease.

What Is the Taurus Birthstone Color?

Emerald's sparkling green beautifully reflects the flourishing spirit of May. It's a color that symbolizes growth, new beginnings, and the revitalizing energy of spring.

Green is also associated with the Heart chakra, which is the energy of love, compassion, and emotional well-being. A closed Heart Chakra can give way to negative emotions such as anger and jealousy.

On the other hand, when your Heart Chakra is open, you are flowing with love and compassion, quick to forgive and accept others and yourself.


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Exploring Alternative Stones for Taurus: The Best Choices Beyond Emerald

Although Emeralds perfectly match Taureans, there are other gemstones that have a positive impact on this zodiac sign’s unique spirit. We prepared a comprehensive list with all the crystals the sign of the bull will definitely love:

aventurine crystal


Nicknamed the "Stone of Opportunity," Aventurine aligns perfectly with Taurus's ambitious and stubborn nature. This sparkly green stone will bring good vibes and help all Taureans make even their wildest dreams come true. 



Carnelian, a fiery stone, complements Taurus's determination and drive. It boosts their confidence and motivation, fueling their ambition and inner fire. Carnelian also resonates with Taurus's appreciation for beauty and sensuality.




Diamonds symbolize health, career, and abundance, aligning perfectly with Taurus. They enhance clarity and confidence, supporting Taureans in achieving success and stability. Their timeless beauty resonates with Taurus's love for luxury.


Rose Quartz

Our all-time favorite match for Taurus! The stone of "unconditional love" aligns magically with the nurturing and loyal nature of Taureans. It helps them open their hearts to love, reminding them that even strong bulls need a little affection.



Sapphire, often referred to as the "Stone of Wisdom," enhances Taurus's practical and reliable nature. This gem fosters loyalty and provides clarity, supporting Taureans in making thoughtful decisions aligned with their values.


Tiger's Eye

Tiger’s Eye, the stone of protection and willpower, aligns with Taurus's determination and focus. It enhances their courage and confidence, helping them overcome challenges and achieve their goals with unwavering persistence.


Lapis Lazuli

This deep blue stone resonates with Taurus's connection to truth and communication. It encourages clear and honest self-expression while also promoting inner peace and wisdom— qualities Taurus values highly.




Mindful Souls


Gemstone Combinations for Taureans

While Emeralds are a perfect choice, a Taurus can also benefit from the combined energy of other gemstones. A bracelet featuring Emerald paired with Rose Quartz is a beautiful example. This captivating combination can promote emotional balance, foster self-love, and attract nurturing relationships, perfectly aligning with the Taurean spirit.

Another powerful combination is Emerald with Aventurine, which attracts prosperity and positive transformation. Alternatively, Labradorite paired with Lapis Lazuli can enhance a Taurean's intellectual growth and perseverance, while Sapphire paired with Onyx strengthens a Taurean's resolve and confidence

What Crystals a Taurus Should Not Wear

When you have a crystal nearby, it emits vibrations toward your body. Your zodiac sign influences your energy field, which responds to these vibrations. Crystals can bring positivity, balance, and inner peace, but when a gemstone’s energy clashes with your zodiac sign's natural energy, it can create disharmony. 

Here's why some crystals might not be the best fit for a Taurus:

  • Blue Topaz and Aquamarine: Both these crystals have a high vibration associated with communication, clear thinking, and mental agility. While these are positive qualities, for a Taurus who already values stability and grounding, the high energy of these stones can be overstimulating and lead to anxiety or restlessness.
  • Moonstone: Moonstone is known for its connection to intuition and emotional sensitivity. While a Taurus can benefit from tapping into their intuition, Moonstone's strong lunar influence can amplify emotional fluctuations. This can be counterproductive for a Taurus who naturally seeks emotional stability.

If you are curious to find out more about what gemstones you shouldn’t touch according to your zodiac sign, explore the whole article here.



Mindful Souls


What Is the Best Jewelry for Taureans?

  • Emerald jewelry 
  • Earthy stone jewelry
  • Necklaces for connection to the Heart Chakra

Taurus, the grounded and dependable sign of the zodiac, deserves jewelry that reflects its inner strength and love for beauty. When it comes to choosing the right pieces, look for items that resonate with its earth-sign nature and promote a sense of stability and well-being. Here's where May birthstone jewelry come in.

Emerald Jewelry

For Taurus, there's no better choice than a stunning Emerald piece, whether it's a necklace or a May birthstone ring. Emerald, known for its vibrant green hue, symbolizes renewal, prosperity, and balance—qualities that align perfectly with Taurus's grounded, nurturing nature. Wearing Emerald jewelry encourages clarity, loyalty, and a deeper connection to the earth.

Earthy Stone Jewelry

While Emerald is a wonderful choice for Taureans, other earthy gemstones also resonate deeply with their spirit. Consider adding gemstones such as Carnelian and 

Necklaces for Connection to the Heart Chakra

Necklaces hold a special place in a Taurus's jewelry box since they connect with the Heart Chakra. When gemstones are worn close to the skin, their energy can have a more profound impact, especially when they resonate with the Heart Chakra's energetic frequencies. Emerald, Rose Quartz, and Peridot necklaces align with the Heart Chakra, promoting emotional balance, self-love, and stability.




Mindful Souls


Final Thoughts

If you are a proud Taurus, you are surely already aware of that stubbornness, determination, and that appreciation for everyday luxuries. Let's face it, you know how to enjoy the finer things in life! 


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Reviewed by:

Angel Aviles

Meet Angel Aviles, a life and career confidence coach with over 10 years of experience, specializing in helping professional and creative women. She reviews and occasionally writes insightful articles for Mindful Souls, drawing on her expertise in personal growth & lithotherapy. Angel's journey from actress to award-winning coach inspires many to live their dreams and embrace positive change. She is also a published author, a seasoned public speaker, and an advocate for mental health and wellness.

Author : article written by Mindful Souls

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This was a great post. I learned a lot.

Gena Anderson
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