Spiritual Nail Designs: 9 Inspiring Ideas for You

Spiritual Nail Designs

Nail art took the world by storm since it was first described in ancient Greek myths. And it’s still here, without any intention to go away. Nail art can make your nails look healthy, beautiful, and unique. Nail designs are also fashionable and can improve your style and even mood. Who doesn’t love that?

The best part about it? Various nail designs can also tell a story and convey your message to the world.

This is where spiritual nail designs come in! They will not only boost your creativity and attract compliments but make a profound spiritual statement.

We’ve collected the most beautiful and spiritual nail designs to create an inspirational list of ideas. Are you ready?


1. Colorful Chakra Signs

Colorful Chakra Signs Nail Art

If you want to stand out with spiritual nail designs and make that statement, look no further than Chakra signs. Chakra symbols are stunning and meaningful!

All seven chakra signs are naturally suitable for spiritual nail art because of beautiful ornament patterns, vibrant colors, and simplicity all at the same time.

Let’s take the crown chakra (Sahasrara) as an example. The modified lotus flower is colored in vibrant violet hues and represents purity, renewal, and beauty. The violet colors can be perfect for painting the background color. On top, the lotus flower will add the finish touches to stunning symbolism and detail. It sounds like a proper combination of nail art!

All chakras combined provide an incredible diversity of colors, details and space for unlimited creativity.


2. Buddhism Symbolism

Buddhism Symbolism Nail Art

Buddhism symbolism is now everywhere in the western world. Whether it’s coffee shops, food dish names, jewelry, and nail art! And even buddha himself can look astonishing on your nails if done right.

The variety in Buddhism symbols provides a great selection, spiritual self-expression, and room for creativity. The most well-known signs include the lotus flower, yin yang, dharma wheel, and meditating buddha.

It’s a great way to convey your message and remind yourself of your spiritual intentions. Pick a symbol that speaks to your heart the most, and get creative - it will look stunning!


3. Zodiac Signs & Constellations

Zodiac Signs Nail Art

Zodiac signs are spiritual in many different ways. If you’re into self-exploration, astrology, and cosmos, this might be one of the best spiritual nail designs for you.

The zodiac nail art can range from zodiac astrological glyphs and symbols to zodiac-related colors or even constellations!

Think of a beautifully detailed lion on your nails or shining stars to brighten up your day. Astrology as nail art can be pretty awesome! This way you can also represent your personality and zodiac sign in a unique way.


4. Witchy & Magical Symbols

Witchy & Magical Symbols Nail Art

If the witchy side of things draws your heart, you can confidently consider witchcraft symbols for your nail designs. The variety and creative possibilities are there!

Think of a moon, pentagram, eye of the chorus, earth elements, and many other signs. They all have one thing in common - a minimalistic design that is perfect for nail art.

If any of the witchy signs connect with your spirituality, you have to explore the spiritual nail designs inspired by magical witchy symbolism!


5. Cosmos & The Universe

Cosmos & The Universe Nail Art

The universe and cosmos are fascinating, no doubt. And if the universe plays a significant role in your spirituality and life, there’s good news! You’ll find a strong potential for it to become your next favorite spiritual art design.

Adorn your nails with starry night skies or fill the space with colorful nebulas. You could also focus on planets and spiral galaxies. Everything is possible if done right!

Strengthen your bond with the universe and express your style through the vibrant colors of the universe!


6. Unlimited Variations of Mandala

Mandala Nail Art

A mandala is a geometric configuration of different spiritual symbols. In various spiritual traditions, mandalas are used as a tool for meditation practice and spiritual guidance.

As an art form, the mandala first appeared within Buddhist artworks in the first century BC. And since then, it has remained one of the most inspiring symbols in spirituality.

With mandala nail designs, you’ll have unlimited variations and creativity. You can also combine mandala with other spiritual symbols or have fragments of your favorite mandala painted.


7. The Evil Eye Symbol

evil eye nail art

For generations, people were looking for something to protect them from bad things happening. The evil eye goes back to ancient times and is still significant today. And now, it can also become a part of your nail art design.

The evil eye can also be found in symbols such as the hamsa hand and other variations. The selection and spiritual importance are definitely there. Let’s see the two powerful and best-looking evil-eye variations for your nails:

  • Hamsa Hand Evil Eye has the potential to look stunning on your nails! This symbol is adorned by countless different variations of ornament details and colors.
  • Traditional Evil Eye offers a more minimalistic and straightforward approach. Blue-colored evil eye symbols are the most prevalent in spiritual nail designs.


8. The OM Symbol

OM symbol nail design

Om is the sacred sound and symbol in many religions and cultures, especially in Hinduism and Buddhism. It signifies the essence of the ultimate reality and is often described as the whole universe joined in a single sound - the union of the body, mind, and spirit.

It’s a minimalistic symbol, perfect for bringing more spiritual variety to your nail designs. The basic variant will be black and white, offering a simple approach. But OM symbol also has unique variations with extra ornamentation, colors, and intriguing design tweaks.

The OM symbol is perfect for those who seek deep spiritual meaning in their nail art and overall appearance.


9. Tree of Life

tree of life nail art

The tree of life is a generational and beautiful symbol. This symbol appears in various cultures and religions - from the Mayans to the Celts, Buddhism, and Nordic mythology.

This symbol on your nails can represent personal development, uniqueness, and individual beauty. It’s also a symbol of growth, renewal, and new beginnings.

When it comes to style, the tree of life can offer a lot of creativity and variety, just like other symbols. Go for a burst of colors or black or white - you can’t go wrong with the tree of life!


Final Thoughts on Spiritual Nail Designs

And there you go! The variety of designs, colors, details, and meanings in the spiritual world is profound. We hope this was an inspiration to explore and find spiritual nail designs that will work for you. And if you are up for more, these spiritual nail designs can even inspire a beautiful nail tattoo! Express yourself, your spirituality, and be unique. Be yourself!

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