How To Trust Your Intuition?

Intuition, instinct, gut feeling, sixth sense… there are many names for it—that subtle tug within that always points us in the right direction.

Some say it's the Universe speaking to us, while others think it's just a biological survival instinct. But no matter where you stand, even skeptics can't deny the power of this little voice and how it often knows what’s best for us.

So today, we’re going to talk about it.

We're going to break down what intuition (or whatever you like to call it) means, take a look at my own journey in learning to listen to my inner voice and explore some tools to help you tap into your own.


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What is Intuition?

It's happened to all of us: that warm, fuzzy feeling that tells you to take that career opportunity or that pit in your stomach that hints you something is not right. But what exactly is it?

In simple terms, intuition is the built-in skill of knowing something without having to actively think it through. When you're in a certain situation, and your sixth sense tells you if it's either good or bad, but you can't explain why—you just know.

Because, when you really think about it, listening to your guts is like having faith in yourself. It's trusting that you know yourself well enough to recognize what brings you joy and fulfillment when it's right there in front of you.

So, can we say that good intuition is a result of believing in yourself and knowing who you are? Maybe. At least, that's been my personal experience.


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How Did I Learn to Trust My Intuition?

“I want to be a teacher.”

The moment these words left my lips, I felt the anxiety growing. It was one of the first times I spoke my truth.

As I raised my eyes to meet my mom's gaze, I saw eyes that burned with fury. I instantly wanted to pull those words back in.

“That’s ridiculous.” The disdain in her tone as she said the word teacher made my stomach twist.

“You always said you wanted to be a lawyer.”

No, you said I was going to be a lawyer.

But I swallowed back these words, along with my thoughts to become a teacher.

Fast forward many, many years and here I am—a teacher! 😉

This memory popped up in my mind recently after a session with a coaching client. How many times have we had an inkling about who we are, what we need, or what we want, only to be told that we are wrong?

As young children, we naturally expressed our needs. We cried or communicated in some way when we were hungry, tired, or uncomfortable. We relied on those who cared for us to respond to these needs.

Unfortunately, our caregivers may not always have been attuned to what we were trying to express. Or they may even have dismissed it.

“I’m hungry………….. What do you mean you’re hungry? You just ate.”

“I’m scared…….. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Are you a baby or a big kid?”

“I don’t want to hug grandpa…..Don’t be rude. That’s your grandpa.”

Responses purely based on their own experiences, values, and beliefs.

A little bit like what happened with my mom when I told her wanted to be a teacher. It wasn’t a poor career choice, but she didn’t value it.

All our inner knowings come from our intuition. However, if we receive too many messages that invalidate these perceptions, we likely learn to dismiss them as well.

The good news is that your inner wisdom is still very present.

You already have all the answers you seek. And your intuition is just patiently waiting for you to find it.


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10 Practical Tips to Enhancing & Strengthening Your Intuition

But now, onto the good stuff and the real reason why you’ve probably clicked this article: how you, too, can learn to detect gut feelings and improve your psychic abilities.

Body Awareness:

Tune into the physical sensations in your body. Notice where in the body you are feeling these sensations. Intuition often communicates through the body, such as a gut feeling, chills, or a sense of warmth.

How to: Do a quick body scan meditation by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, and focusing on each part of your body from head to toe.

Mindful Awareness:

Practice being fully present in each moment. Pay attention to your surroundings, sensations, and emotions. Intuition often speaks through subtle cues that can be easily missed when we are distracted.

How to: Try the 5-4-3-2-1 technique, note 5 things you see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, and 1 thing you taste.

Intuitive Decision-Making:

When faced with a decision, take a moment to quiet your mind and listen to your inner voice. Trust your initial gut feeling and notice any physical or emotional reactions.

How to: Flip a coin to make a decision, and pay attention to your immediate reaction to the result—this can reveal your true preference.

Trust and Act:

Start trusting your intuitive hunches by taking small actions based on them. The more you trust and act on your intuition, the stronger and clearer it will become.

How to: Follow your intuition in simple daily situations, like choosing what to eat for lunch or which route to take home from work. For an extra boost, wear a Magnetic Energy Talisman as a physical reminder to trust your inner guidance throughout the day.

Creative Expression:

Engage in creative activities like painting, drawing, dancing, or playing music. Creativity opens up channels to your subconscious mind, where intuition resides.

How to: Doodle freely for 10 minutes without any judgment or expectations, allowing your intuition to guide your hand.


Capture your thoughts, feelings, and any intuitive nudges you experience. Reflecting on your journal entries can reveal patterns and insights about your inner guidance.

How to: Try stream-of-consciousness writing for 5 minutes each morning, writing down whatever comes to your mind without editing. For an extra intuitive boost, slip on the Midnight Blossom Opal Crystal Ring—Opal will help you tap into your subconscious and uncover hidden insights.

Connecting to Nature:

Spend time in nature, away from the noise and busyness of daily life. Lean up against a tree, place your bare feet in grass, tend a garden, or somehow connect to Mother Earth. Nature’s tranquility can help you reconnect with your inner voice and gain clarity.

How to: Take a mindful walk in nature, focusing on the sensations of each step, sounds, and smells around you.

Using Crystals:

Crystals can be powerful allies in developing one's intuition. By working with activating crystals, such as Amethyst or Labradorite you can enhance your intuitive abilities and create a deeper connection with your inner wisdom.

How to: Incorporate your favorite crystal into your daily mindfulness practices, letting its energy guide you to a deeper state of focus and flow. Don’t know where to start? The Clear Quartz Bead Bracelet makes a perfect choice as it amplifies energy and thought.

Daily Meditation Practice:

Dedicate time each day to sit in stillness and focusing your attention–on a sound, your breath, or a mantra. Meditation helps quiet the mind, making it easier to hear the subtle voice of your intuition.

How to: Do a simple breathing meditation by sitting comfortably, closing your eyes, and focusing on the sensation of your breath moving in and out for 5-10 minutes.

Asking for Guidance:

Before going to bed or during meditation, ask your Higher Self or the Universe for guidance on a specific issue. Be open and attentive to any signs or answers that come to you.

How to: Write down a question on a piece of paper, fold it up, and place it under your pillow before going to sleep.


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My Favourite Quotes On Trusting your Intuition

"Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next."
– Jonas Salk.


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Is It My Intuition Or Overthinking? My Final Thoughts

When it comes to trusting your gut, one of the biggest issues I've noticed people struggle with is telling the difference between their intuition and simple paranoia.

And honestly, it's a valid concern.

The good news? You can train yourself to know which is which because connecting with your intuition is something you can get better at with practice. That’s why it’s so important to include practical intuition exercises like the ones I mentioned in your daily routine.

Because, believe me, once you've tapped into your intuition, everything else will fall into place.

Your relationships, business, and even personal growth—you already know the right path for all of it. You just have to always trust your instinct to find it.

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Written by:

Dr. Isela Garcia

Meet Dr. Isela Garcia, an intuitive medium and teacher of presence. She creates courageous spaces for healing and self-realization. Dr. Garcia’s journey from childhood trauma to spiritual awakening shapes her unique approach. With degrees in elementary education and a doctorate in organizational leadership, she focuses on emotional intelligence. A neurodivergent Latina, she offers a distinctive perspective on trauma healing and spiritual growth.

Reviewed & approved by Mindful Souls Team

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