6 Crystals for Wealth, Money & Prosperity

Abundant resources and opportunities allow us to support our passions and take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

Beyond material gains, abundance provides security, freedom, and happiness. Achieving these dreams can be challenging, so why not seek help from nature's gifts?

Crystals, revered for their powerful metaphysical properties, are believed to help manifest and attract the energy needed to reach your goals.

In this blog post, learn about the six most powerful crystals for manifesting wealth, money, and prosperity.


Mindful Souls


How can Crystal Help Attract Abundance & Financial Success?

No, crystals can’t just make your dreams of abundance, money, or success a reality without you putting in any effort. As the saying goes; dreams don’t work unless you do!

But crystals can help you align your energy and intentions with the vibrations of the universe. And this allows you to open yourself up to more opportunities, wealth, money, success, and prosperity in several ways:


Crystals Help Attract Money & Financial Success

Financial Planning:
When it comes to wealth management and goal-setting, you need a clear mind, determination, and excellent decision-making skills. Some gemstones are known to enhance willpower, mental clarity, and focus, encouraging responsible financial choices.

Financial Success:
When you harness the power of specific crystals, you can boost your confidence and foster a mindset of abundance. This can help you find and seize new opportunities for career growth and success. 

Attract Money:
Emitting high vibrations that resonate with financial success, certain gemstones can help you attract money and material wealth. 

Good Fortune:
Luck, serendipity, and good fortune—who doesn’t need a little more of this in their lives, right?  By using certain gemstones, you can invite more positive experiences, opportunities, and outcomes.

Wealth & Abundance:
By tapping into the powerful energies of some crystals regularly, you can manifest a constant flow of wealth and abundance into your life. 


Mindful Souls


What are the Crystals to Attract Money?


While money can buy us many wonderful things, it also provides meaningful opportunities and experiences, such as reconnecting with family, building a home, and nourishing loved ones.

Attracting money is about growth, safety, freedom, hope, and personal fulfillment.

Ready to find the perfect crystal for financial success? Dive right in!



Mindful Souls


Green Aventurine – Stone of Opportunity


Intentions: Luck & Business Success
Chakra: Heart

Green Aventurine, also known as 'The Gambler's Stone,' is valued for its lucky qualities. The name originates from the Italian 'a ventura,' meaning 'by chance.'

This gem was favored in Ancient Rome because it was believed to boost success in business and combat.

Aventurine's distinct shimmer comes from tiny flecks of Fuchsite within the Quartz, enhancing its mesmerizing green appearance.

How to use: 

  • Keep a small polished Aventurine crystal in your pocket or purse to invite a steady flow of prosperity. 
  • Place it on your desk or in your workspace to bring good fortune and opportunities to your business ventures. 
  • Hold a Green Aventurine crystal in your non-dominant hand during meditation or visualization practices to manifest new opportunities.

Citrine – Success Amplifier

Intentions: Financial Growth & Career Enhancement
Chakra: Solar Plexus

Prized by traders for centuries, Citrine is believed to help attract new customers and secure business deals.

Carried as a talisman by Ancient Greek merchants and kept in money pouches by Medieval tradesmen, this warm yellow gem has been nicknamed ‘The Merchant’s Stone’.

With its rich history of attracting abundance and wealth, Citrine is said to help career enhancement, entrepreneurship, and those seeking financial growth.

While this sunshine-like stone is a variety of Quartz, it is incredibly rare in its natural, untreated form due to the heating process required to transform purple Amethyst into yellow, orange, or amber-colored Citrine.

How to use: 

  • Keep a Citrine cluster, point, or tumbled stone on your desk or near your workspace to promote financial flow and wise money management.
  • Place a Citrine crystal near your cash register, financial records, and documents such as bills, statements, or checkbooks. This can help to foster more sales, income flow, and abundance for your business. 
  • Hold a Citrine stone in your non-dominant hand while visualizing your financial goals or repeating positive affirmations for abundance.


Pyrite – Fool’s Gold

Intentions: Wealth & Financial Security
Chakra: Sacral & Solar Plexus

Pyrite is a glistening, brassy mineral that earned its nickname by fooling thousands of miners into believing that they had literally struck gold! The term ‘Fool’s Gold’ was most often used during the California gold rush in the 1840s, and though it stuck, Pyrite has become known as more than just a mere imposter.

Its chemical and physical properties make it a powerful talisman for financial security and prosperity. Because of its high iron and sulfur content, Pyrite has a mesmerizing metallic luster and golden shine that symbolizes the essence and warmth of gold, wealth, and abundance.

How to Use: 

  • Place a Pyrite cluster near your wallet or purse and allow its grounding energy to shield against financial losses. For extra protection, carry a Pyrite cube or nugget with you daily.
  • On your non-dominant wrist, you could also wear a Pyrite crystal bracelet to attract money, wealth, and prosperity.
  • Energize your financial spaces, such as your cash register, safe, or financial document storage area, by placing a Pyrite cluster nearby.  Let the crystal’s energy foster a sense of prosperity and protection. 
  • Meditate with Pyrite crystals, while visualizing your financial goals and affirming your intention to attract abundance. Pyrite's energy can help amplify your manifestation efforts.


Tiger’s Eye – The Stone of Fearless Wealth

Intentions: Courage & Determination
Chakra: Root

The key to financial success often lies in taking calculated risks, making bold decisions, and seizing a great opportunity when it comes your way. That’s exactly what Tiger’s Eye is for! Think of this crystal as your financial wingman.

This golden brown and red gemstone can give you the confidence boost, encouragement, and resilience you need to approach business negotiations, investments, and new ventures with fearlessness. 

How to use:

  • Carry a Tiger's Eye worry stone or tumbled crystal in your pocket during important meetings, salary negotiations, or career advancement talks. Allow its empowering energy to help you advocate for your worth with conviction.
  • Keep a Tiger’s Eye crystal on your desk at work where it is easily visible. Allow it to inspire and motivate you when making difficult financial decisions or when you need the courage to pursue ambitious goals. 
  • Take some time to meditate regularly with a Tiger's Eye crystal. Visualize yourself confidently navigating financial challenges and seizing opportunities for growth and prosperity.


Tourmaline – A Financial Guardian


Intentions: Protection & Grounding
Chakra: Heart & Root

Tourmaline is a vast and vibrant family of minerals. While all Tourmalines are said to have grounding energy, their metaphysical properties vary depending on their color.

For example, Green Tourmaline is said to promote growth and abundance, Pink Tourmaline enhances emotional stability, supporting wise decision-making, and Blue Tourmaline is known for encouraging clear communication and rationality during business negotiations.

Then there’s Black Tourmaline—the most iconic variety. Revered for its potent ability to dispel negative energies and provide psychic protection, Black Tourmaline is said to be a powerful guardian against financial loss, deceit, or theft.

How to Use: 

  • Place black tourmaline in your financial corner (usually the southeast corner of your home or office) or near the entrance. This can help you repel financial drain and release financial energy blockages.
  • Keep pieces of Green and Black Tourmaline stones in your purse, wallet, or cash registers to attract financial growth and guard your money and business transitions.
  • Create a crystal energy grid using Pink, Blue, Green, and Black Tourmaline to safeguard and amplify your positive money vibrations. 


Mindful Souls


Can These Crystals Work for Luck?

The short answer is yes! Many of these crystals are actually considered lucky stones.

Tiger’s Eye promotes confidence and courage and is also known for attracting financial luck. Green Aventurine, considered the luckiest of all crystals, fosters good fortune and prosperity. Green Jade attracts good luck, abundance, and wealth.

However, luck isn't just about money. It can mean finding love, having good health, or being protected. Different crystals can bring various types of luck to meet individual needs and preferences.


Crystals for Luck

Overall Wellbeing & Health

Red Jasper
Strength & Resilience
Grounds and stabilizes, fostering resilience during stressful times.

Courage & Motivation
Boosts confidence, creativity, and energy, attracting good fortune.

Green Tourmaline
Grounding & Growth
Enhances luck, prosperity, and creativity, aiding in self-improvement.

Love & Relationships

Rose Quartz
Self-Love & Connection
Promotes self-love and attracts positive romantic relationships and friendships.

Protection & Mental Balance

Lapis Lazuli
Wisdom & Peace of Mind
Enhances mental clarity and communication, and wards off harmful energies.



Mindful Souls


Time to Start Manifesting

Whether you’re starting a new business venture, are up for a promotion at work, or just want to improve your overall well-being—both financially and otherwise—there’s a crystal that can help!

While these powerful gemstones won’t magically solve all your problems, they can provide that boost of positive energy you’ve been searching for. Keeping some of these stones around can help you align yourself with the vibrations of luck, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

So, why not give it a try? Treat yourself to a new crystal companion and start manifesting your next big opportunity or financial breakthrough.

Here’s to creating your own luck!—with a little crystal power, of course!


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FAQs about Crystals for Financial Prosperity

What crystals are best for attracting money?

Citrine, Pyrite, and Green Aventurine are believed to be the most effective crystals for money.

How can I use crystals to improve my financial situation?

Carry specific crystals, such as Citrine or Pyrite, known for attracting financial success, money, and prosperity, in your wallet or purse. You can also place these crystals in your workspace, office, or wealth corner of your home to foster positive money energy.

Are there specific placements for crystals to enhance their effectiveness in financial matters?

Yes, it is recommended to place crystals in the wealth corner of your home or office to enhance their effectiveness. This is usually the southeast corner of your space or far left corner when facing the entrance.

Can crystals help me achieve my career goals?

Yes, specific crystals such as Citrine and Tiger’s Eye can help you find the confidence, willpower, and motivation to pursue your career goals with determination.

How often should I cleanse my crystals to keep them effective?

Try to cleanse and recharge your crystals at least once a month to ensure any stagnant energy is removed and they continue to function at their highest potential. Various methods can be used, including sage smudging, sound vibrations, moonlight, or sunlight.

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Reviewed by:

Angel Aviles

Meet Angel Aviles, a life and career confidence coach with over 10 years of experience, specializing in helping professional and creative women. She reviews and occasionally writes insightful articles for Mindful Souls, drawing on her expertise in personal growth & lithotherapy. Angel's journey from actress to award-winning coach inspires many to live their dreams and embrace positive change. She is also a published author, a seasoned public speaker, and an advocate for mental health and wellness.

Author : article written by Mindful Souls

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