Green Crystals: Meaning, Names & Healing Properties

green crystal cluster

Green crystals, embodying the essence of nature's vitality, offer a mystical journey into the realms of growth, healing, and spiritual enlightenment. In our exploration of these verdant treasures, we'll delve into the interconnectedness of the heart chakra, physical well-being, and emotional balance, unveiling how these stones foster harmony in our lives.

Historical and Cultural Significance

For centuries, civilizations have revered green gemstones for their mystical properties and earthly elemental delights. These stones have been integral in rituals, healing practices, and as symbols of status and power. Each crystal tells a story, a narrative of the Earth's history, and humankind's connection with it. Emeralds have been cherished in ancient Egyptian culture, Jade in Asian civilizations, while Malachite has been used in European artworks, all stashed with high humming vibrations of ancient magic and spiritual meaning

Are you ready to find your favorite green crystals? Let’s get to it!




1. Emerald

emerald crystal diamond

We simply have to start with the green emerald, one of the prettiest gemstones on the planet. Mined since 330 BC in ancient Egypt and loved by Cleopatra herself, the emerald has been enjoying its fame since early times. Some say that the oldest emeralds are almost 3 billion years old!

Let's face it, we all want to look elegant and stunning. And what a better way to do it than with the sparkling green emerald. Whether it's a Zoom call or a lovely dinner, you'll get noticed and receive compliments all the time. That's just how it is with this exceptional gemstone.

However, its spiritual properties have also been valued throughout history. Green emerald crystal has been a symbol of deep spirituality, intelligence, and hope. Some ancient civilizations considered emerald to be a gift from the god of wisdom.

If you’re looking for an ultimate combination of spirituality and style - green emerald is the answer!




2. Green Tourmaline (Verdelite)

green tourmaline verdelite crystal

Green Tourmaline is also known as Verdelite. It’s a natural, green, and semi-precious variation of tourmaline crystal.

Vitality, growth, spiritual expansion, and new beginnings are some of the most vital properties of green tourmaline energy. If you’re looking to grow, develop and improve on any level, this beautiful gemstone can become an essential companion.

When it comes to jewelry, green tourmaline mostly come in rings. And they do look stunning if done right!

This variation of tourmaline with rich green colors is not often found, even in the largest gemstone mines. If you ever get a hold of natural green tourmaline stone, keep it safe and sound!




3. Green Aventurine


green aventurine crystal

Green aventurine is the most common and popular color among aventurine stones, with its blue-green shades. You’ll find properties of wealth, good luck, and good fortune within these lovely green shades of aventurine!

This is a beautiful talisman of luck for those who want to attract a little more fortune into their life. But the properties of green aventurine don’t end here. This stone can soothe the mind and keep your heart open to let in more optimism and positivity.

Aventurine properties are also linked with the ability to calm negative emotions such as anger or anxiety. Promote a more optimistic outlook for yourself with this stone. If you’re looking for jewelry options, you’ll find plenty, such as this Lucky Aventurine Necklace!



4. Malachite

malachite crystal

Natural green malachite stone was already enjoying its fame and attention back in ancient Egypt. Malachite stone was used in jewelry and carvings to create art and ornaments. Fast forward to today, it is still one of the most renowned crystals in the mineral world. And it’s all about deep healing, growth, and natural beauty.

This pretty green stone symbolizes the deep healing of nature’s green touch and represents the innate beauty of flowers, trees, and plants. This stone symbolizes growth and emotional development and is renowned for its protective qualities. Besides Malachite is also be beneficial for motherhood as it shields both mother and child from negative energies. It also helps in achieving emotional stability, supporting mothers as they face new challenges.

Malachite has been named a “Stone of Transformation” because of its ability to assist one in changing situations and providing for spiritual growth.




5. Green Agate

green agate crystal

Like malachite, green agate was always associated with healing because deep green colors remind us of nature. If you’re looking for a balance between the physical body and emotions, green agate can help.

Historically, agate stones were used for rings, seals, and amulets in multiple ancient cultures. Since then, green agate, in particular, was recognized for its spiritual properties. Emotional flexibility, compassion, and overall mindfulness come more naturally with green agate.

Agate stone is also valued for its durability, resistance to chemicals, and unique looks.




6. Amazonite

amazonite crystal

Amazonite was known for its beauty and calming energy since ancient times. It has been widely used to create statues, amulets, jewelry, and figurines of significant cultural importance.

Surround yourself and those near with a harmonious aura radiating from those dreamy colors of Amazonite. This stone is a peacemaker, assisting in compassionate communicating and kind intentions. It is a crystal that will ensure your yin and yang energies are balanced; thus, providing harmony in all aspects of life.

The stone’s name originates from the largest river in South America, which is the Amazon river. And not by accident, Brazil is one of the countries where the stone is found. And just like the Amazon river, the calming Amazonite gemstone flows gently with the life currents and brings us along.




7. Green Fluorite

green fluorite crystal

Fluorite's origins come from the Latin word "fluere,” meaning “to flow.” This gentle energy flow stems from fluorite’s ability to act as a flux between metals. If you’re feeling stuck & tired, then take a breath of a Caribbean-like freshness with green fluorite! Dive into the green colors and nature's paradise and enjoy the activation & energization!

Because of its energy flow, the pretty green flourite also balances and cleanses the heart chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra. With a balanced mind and spirit, you will remove negative energy and any limitations!

It’s also an ideal crystal for boosting creativity and opening the mind to new possibilities. It’s a dreamer’s crystal that helps to expand consciousness and step out of the comfort zone.




8. Jade

jade crystal

Mined since the Neothilic age in China, jade has a fair share of its history. First, jade was used for ceremonies, decorations, and jewelry. After extensive use, jade quickly became an imperial gem in Asia. Meanwhile, for indigenous cultures in South America, jade was highly symbolic and spiritual, used in various rituals.

Spiritually, it is believed that jade can attract good fortune and strengthen relationships. It’s a nurturing stone that radiates kind energy. Work with jade in spiritual practices to balance emotions and grow spiritually.

Today, green jade is still the most popular variety used in jewelry, spiritual practices, and decorating homes.




9. Peridot

peridot crystal

It was ancient Egyptians who first recorded the existence of peridot stone back in 23-79 AD. They called peridot “gem of the sun.” In ancient Greece, it symbolized prosperity and meant “giving plenty.” In Hawaii, they called peridot a symbol of the tears of the volcano goddess. Since then, peridot remains cloaked by rich folklore and is loved for its pretty green glow.

The bright green colors of nature are associated with harmony, good health, and tranquility. Peridot is known as the stone of compassion that gives renewal to all things. The best thing about this stone is that peridot looks fantastic in any jewelry and with any attire!

When it comes to durability, some peridot crystals can be prone to cracking during cutting. But the finished gemstones are durable enough to be worn a long time.




10. Prasiolite

prasiolite crystal

Not the most common name in the mineral world, but prasiolite certainly deserves attention. The stone is also known as green quartz or green amethyst. And since 1950, almost all natural prasiolite stones have come from one tiny mine in Brazil.

It is a rare crystal in nature but a beautiful one with peaceful and motivating energy around it. Prasiolite can challenge you to be more creative with your hobby, work, and even thought process. Your workflow and decision-making can also improve because prasiolite can foster a connection to your higher self.

Let’s not forget that this is a quartz stone which means the energy of prasiolite is truly powerful!




The Heart of Healing: Green Gemstones and the Heart Chakra

At the core of green crystal therapy lies the heart chakra, a central point where emotional and physical health converge. Emerald, Green Aventurine, Malachite, and other green stones are pivotal in aligning the heart chakra, promoting emotional healing, encouraging love, and enhancing our capacity to both give and receive affection. These stones shake loose stagnant energy, helping to overcome past issues of heartbreak and mistrust, and fostering nurturing relationships that heal.


Physical and Emotional Wellbeing: The Dual Power of Green Gems

Green gemstones are more than just visually appealing; they are potent tools for physical and emotional healing. They invigorate the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, boosting vitality and fostering a sense of rejuvenation. These stones also play a crucial role in mitigating anxiety and enhancing sleep quality, leading to improved overall well-being. The calming nature of these stones, particularly Malachite and Prehnite, helps in reducing stress and anxiety, contributing to better sleep and a more balanced state of mind.


Spiritual Growth and Prosperity: The Metaphysical Aspects

Embracing the symbolism of growth, new beginnings, and the vibrancy of a young child's life, green crystals are essential for those seeking spiritual growth or embarking on new ventures, like starting a business. They resonate with energies of creativity, wisdom, and peace, aligning intentions with the heart chakra's vibrancy. Additionally, their association with wealth and prosperity makes them a symbol of abundance, attracting success and fortune. Green crystals like Peridot, aligning with both the heart and solar plexus chakras, aid in bridging emotions with intellect, fostering personal growth and emotional resilience.


Harmonious Relationships and Wealth: The Social and Financial Impact

Green gemstones not only enhance personal development but also enrich social connections. They elevate the quality of relationships, ensuring alignment with partners of similar vibrational energy, and fostering trust and security. In the realm of finances, their connection with wealth manifests in tangible success and good luck, promoting focus and energy in business and creative projects.


The Lure of Green Crystals: Aesthetic Appeal and Healing Properties

From Malachite's calming influence on the Heart Chakra to Emerald's promotion of empathy, green gemstones are as diverse in their therapeutic properties as they are in their stunning shades. Their beauty captures the eye, while their healing powers soothe the soul, making them a popular choice among enthusiasts and collectors alike. The green color, associated with vegetation and wealth, brings about a sense of calm, tranquility, knowledge, and overall wellness.


The Variety and Versality of Green Crytals

The variety is vast, with each stone from Emerald to Serpentine, Jade to Aventurine, and Peridot to others, holding its unique place in the healing and spiritual world. Green crystals like Malachite, Jade, green agate, and Emerald are particularly well-loved throughout various cultures for their ability to bring harmony and healing, especially in the heart chakra. These stones infuse new vitality into the system, encourage calm, and are excellent for emotional healing.

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1 comment

Hello from Connecticut. I make my own jewelry and I’ve been told told I should sell it! Now I buy semi precious stones/beads, but I want to know their names, origins and buyers might want to know also. I loved your first box and can’t wait for others!

Now I have a request. Just as this article showed some stones and some writings of the stone….do you have a series of cards I can purchase? Or any particular book you think I should look at? Again thank you for the beautiful stones included in in the box. That little Buddha is sitting on my night stand! Much love and success to your company!
😊 Carmen


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