Contact Page Manage My Subscription

Please be reminded that having a subscription account doesn't create an automatic log-in account on our store page.

Create a profile with us by clicking on one of the following links, depending on your location:





By creating a profile, you will be able to access your subscription and view its details. Please note that having a subscription does not automatically create an account for you.

If you have an active subscription, please use the same email address to create your profile. This will ensure that your subscription is linked to your account and you can manage it easily.

if you have already created a profile, simply sign in using the email address you used to register. This will grant you access to your account and subscription information.

Please log in to your account and update your shipping address -don't forget to set this on your default address to make sure this will be use on your future orders.
Please make sure to set your new delivery address on default.
Our subscription is designed to work sequentially, and multiple subscription accounts will create duplicate boxes.
Once you signed and place your order for the Mindful Subscription Box, you agreed to a monthly renewal. Nonetheless, no strings attached here and you can cancel your account after your first box.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription anytime and for any reason. Simply email us at or call us toll-free: 1 888 307-1295. You can also do it by logging in to your customer portal and navigating to "Manage My Subscription" tab.
Our subscription is designed to work in sequence and it is curated as a monthly surprise. We are using a default image for our letters to keep it a mystery. Please be assured, that a new box is being prepared for you and it includes well-balanced, and unique content every month of your stay, regardless of the month that you started.
Our Gemstone Jewelry Subscription Add-on and Genuine Natural Crystal Subscription Add-on work as a featured item each month that is included in your regular Mindful Subscription box. The product that is shown on our website is a default image of the item only. Rest assured that each monthly box would be unique, and there won't be any duplicates.
Currently, there is no option to purchase multiple subscription boxes and have them vary in content, as our boxes are curated in sequence. The subscription is designed to be charged once every month and cannot be bought ahead of time for a set amount of months.
Some items are usually sent separately. Since this is a fast-moving item, your order had to be shipped from a different warehouse.
Absolutely! If you feel like you need some space, you can always skip a box and get back on track later on. Simply log in to your customer portal and navigate to "Manage My Subscription" tab. Once there, click on “Skip Shipment.”
You can also email our customer support at or call us toll-free: 1 888 307-1295.

Of course! If you want to take your spiritual journey easier, you can receive your box every 2, 3, or 6 months.

Log in to your customer portal and navigate to "Manage My Subscription" tab.

Once there, click on “Cancel My Subscription” and choose “Other reason.” Don't bother writing anything, simply click next!

You can choose to skip the next box or continue clicking on “No Thanks” Now you will be able to change your subscription delivery frequency!

Yes! You can pause your subscription for 2, 3, or 4 months and get back on track where you left it

Log in to your customer portal and navigate to "Manage My Subscription" tab

Once there, click on “Cancel My Subscription” and choose “Other reason.” Don't bother writing anything, simply click “Next.”

You can choose to skip the next box or continue by clicking “No Thanks.”

You can now change the delivery frequency or continue by clicking “No Thanks.”

Now you can pause your subscription for up to 4 months.

You will need to create a profile on our website to start earning points. Please visit the following link to create an account: