Black Obsidian Meaning : Healing Properties & Daily Life Uses

Obsidian Necklace

A stone unlike any other, obsidian gemstone is a beautiful, glossy, and often wholly black crystal that is capable of fascinating and captivating anyone at the very first glance. This mysterious gem offers a lot for those who dare to open their eyes and look beneath the surface, where one’s secrets, flaws, fears, and inner demons reside. Therefore, let’s dive deep and explore Obsidian properties, obsidian crystal meaning, and more!


Mindful Souls


What is Obsidian?

Obsidian stone is an igneous rock that is not an ordinary crystal by any means; after all, it doesn’t even have a crystalline structure. This naturally occurring glass manifests when the molten lava flow is cooled rapidly (usually when pouring into a lake or an ocean).

Minerals with a crystalline structure typically develop over time; however, since an Obsidian rock forms so quickly, there’s no time for crystals to grow, resulting in quite an irregular structure that can break and experience a conchoidal fracture.

Mindful Souls

Obsidian Color Variations

The most common variety of this gemstone is black obsidian stone, but this mineral comes in a wide range of different colors. Some variations include golden, silver, or purple sheen obsidian hues (caused by tiny gas bubbles trapped under the stone’s surface).

At the same time, others display iridescent bands of red, blue, gold, violet, and green when exposed to bright light. This so-called Rainbow Obsidian is a direct result of microscopic magnetite inclusions.

You get mahogany obsidian when both brown and black are present; a black rock with some grey or white specks is often called snowflake obsidian.


Mindful Souls


The History Of Obsidian Crystal

Obsidian stone origins date back to the Stone Age when it was used extensively, as it was easy to carve and could also be formed into a sharp blade, lances, arrows, axes, and many other tools. Interestingly, even rudimentary mirrors were created out of it by polishing the glass. The history of this remarkable stone is marked in almost all ancient cultures and civilizations:

Pre-Columbian Mesoamericans

Pre-Columbian Mesoamericans used to rely on this volcanic glass a lot. For instance, they carved and worked these rocks for tools and decorative objects, such as plates and other wares. The ancient Mesoamericans also made swords with Obsidian material.

Mayan Merchants & Ancient Mexico

The Black Lava Glass (another name for Obsidian) was used in trading by Mayan merchants, dating as far back as 100 years BC. Given the abundance of Obsidian found in the area and its high value, it was considered incredibly precious, even more so than gold.

The mystical properties of this gemstone also date back to early civilizations. In ancient Mexico and surrounding regions, it was known as iztli or teotetl ("the divine stone") and was used to carve amulets, jewelry, grave ornaments, and images of the god. “Tezcatlipoca” means “smoking mirror.” - supposedly, he saw everything that occurred in the world and the heavens through his Obsidian mirror.

Each volcano, and in some cases each volcanic eruption, produces a different type of Obsidian. Therefore, it makes it very possible for archeologists to trace the origins of a particular artifact to the exact area where it was formed and later used.

Native Americans

Small nuggets of the stones, rounded and smoothed by wind and water, are called Apache Tears and have a pretty beautiful legend surrounding them: it is believed that the U.S. cavalry surrounded a group of Apache warriors at the edge of a cliff in Arizona in the 1870s. Instead of being killed, they leaped from the cliff and voluntarily fell to their deaths. The tears of grief from the women and the families of the fallen warriors solidified into small chunks of stone - Apache Tears.

Obsidian was the most popular tool stone material for Native Americans in the Greater Yellowstone National Park in the current United States.

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The Use Of Volcanic Glass Now

Apparently, due to its glass-like structure, Volcanic Glass can produce the sharpest materials that only nanotechnologies can make.

If you look at the sharpest edge of the steel blade under the microscope, you will notice something similar to saw-like teeth on the very edge of the blade, otherwise known as a "bite.” Obsidian blades have an evenly smooth edge (even on a microscopic level). Therefore, any wounds cut by them heal significantly faster than those cut by surgical steel.

Besides that and its extensive use in jewelry, these rocks are still being used for creating scalpels.


Mindful Souls


Obsidian Meaning

Obsidian crystal meaning depends on the specific color. Let’s focus on the most common variation - the Black Obsidian!

Black obsidian is sometimes called the ‘’Stone of Truth’’ because it works like a mirror to see our own mistakes and weaknesses.

This powerful crystal can be brutal and direct. Yet, it can provide the deepest kind of soul healing: the stone bestows all the courage needed to enter our subconscious mind to resolve any deeply rooted issues if we only dare to ask. That’s why the Obsidian crystal is popular in feng shui.

Mindful Souls

Obsidian Metaphysical Properties

Obsidian metaphysical properties are often used for meditation and crystal healing. This crystal can sometimes bring negative emotions and truths to the surface, causing discomfort for a short period. However, if one can listen and reflect, the Black Lava Glass stone can help deal with such heavy issues as past traumas, addictions, eating disorders, and more. Many people can benefit from having more truth and clarity in their lives, and that’s what Obsidian stone provides.

Obsidian crystal is believed to be strongly connected to the Spiritual realm, and for this reason, it is used for scrying purposes. Scrying is an ancient act of divination meant to help reach clairvoyance - it can be achieved by concentrating on or gazing at an object with a shiny surface until a vision appears.

Some people believe that Obsidian is effective in meditation when placed on the third eye chakra. It may help one discover the purpose of being here in this life at this specific time. By asking questions aloud and listening, you may hear the answers whispered back to you from the Spirit realm. These answers may help you make better choices when making decisions about future relationships, finances, career choices, or health issues.

Mindful Souls

Obsidian Healing & Psychic Protection

Obsidian is also one of the strongest healing crystals - obsidian works in protective and healing ways at the same time. Obsidian can effortlessly shield you from negative energies, block incoming psychic attacks, and remove negative spiritual influences.

Obsidian crystal s a perfect companion for all the sensitive souls out there. It teaches us how to let go of the stress and anxiety we tend to face regularly and make sure that we stay calm and grounded during even the most turbulent times.


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How To Take Care Of Your Obsidian Jewelry And Crystals

It is recommended to wash your obsidian often, as this stone cleanses your aura and your body of all that’s negative, bad, and impure. Wash it with lukewarm running water, which will prevent any bad energies from accumulating in the stone. Soap can be used as well; however, make sure not to leave any soapy residue on the stone itself after washing it.

Remove your jewelry when exercising, cleaning, or engaging in strenuous physical activities such as sports.

More complex substances can easily scratch obsidian, so they should be stored away from other gemstones or rocks. It is best to wrap it in a soft cloth or place it inside a fabric-lined jewelry box.

Explore our Essantiral Crystal Guidline of the 20 Most Powerful Crystals


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Final Thoughts

If you feel like you need a sophisticated touch to your style or spiritual protection, don’t wait and get Obsidian stone today. You’ll notice the difference - we promise!

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