5 Ways This Mindful Monthly Subscription Box Is Making Self-Care Accessible

1. Everyone deserves calming, cleansing scents
The ancient Mesopotamians and Egyptians started using incense over 6,000 years ago. In Tibet, aromatherapy has been a part of daily life for centuries, used for everything from relaxation and meditation to the cleansing of homes.
Skilled artisans craft the Mindful Box's incense and essential oils from only the purest herbs, spices, and flowers. Aromatherapy has been helping people on their journey to calm for thousands of years - Mindful Souls believes that it should remain accessible to all.

2. Crystals to aid you on your journey to mindfulness
Formed in the ground below our feet, there is a different crystal for each of life’s difficult moments. That’s why it’s so frustrating that crystals have been one of the largest targets of hype & price-gouging in the social media era.
Ancient Egyptians used topaz or peridot to combat night-terrors. Ancient China and New Zealand used jade for protection, luck, and to connect with ancestors. Now, people seeking the spiritual & mindful help of crystals have to watch out for fakes, crazy price markups, and unethical sources.
Whether you need amethyst’s calm or quartz’s healing, each Mindful Box includes unique crystals to aid in your journey to mindfulness.

3. Mindfulness is about the body, too
Mindfulness and self-care aren’t only about nourishing your mind. They're about caring for your body as well.
And your skin is so important - it conveys the inner workings of your soul & mind to the world. Mindful Souls believes that nourishing your skin shouldn’t just be for influencers, and it definitely shouldn't be a minefield of harsh chemicals!
Each Mindful Box contains all-organic skin care handmade in small batches, such as ocean agate-infused face cream, or carnelian-infused body scrub. Rest easy knowing that the elixirs on your face are a mindful addition to your daily rituals.

4. Jewelry as unique as you are
Mindful Souls’ obsession with mindfulness extends to the way you adorn your body: they believe jewelry should be mindful, too!
In the social media age, influencers advertise 2 types of jewelry: mass-made jewelry without any human handiwork or thoughtful design, or expensive jewelry that costs more than your rent.
It is nourishing and affirming to wear jewelry that is personal and meaningful to you, and jewelry like that should be accessible to everyone.
Each Mindful Box contains jewelry made with crystals like labradorite (often called the stone of destiny) which can raise your vibration and help you become more aware. Each piece is as unique as you are.

5. Putting the soul back into self-care
Finding joy in the everyday is the key to self-care, and Mindful Souls’ favorite path to joy is through surprises! Treating yourself to items which nourish your soul & body is amazing. But there’s nothing quite like receiving something that a kindred spirit picked out especially for you.
Modern marketing leaves nothing to surprise: what you’re sold on is what you get. No human-to-human connection, no extra care. Social media has taken the soul out of self-care & mindfulness. Mindful Souls wants to put the soul back into them. The Mindful Box always includes extra goodies from around the world in each box, many of which would be impossible to find online!

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